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2020-07-30 09:03:01



Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use this land? Use specific details to explain your answer.

The world is becoming increasingly smaller and smaller. The world s population is now at six billion. The world s cities are getting larger and larger. At least two cities, Mexico City and Sao Paulo have almost 30 million inhabitants. In this context, one could say that a gift of land is the greatest gift of all. Land is perhaps the most permanent thing in the world. Unlike diamonds, which really have little value in and of themselves, land actually has great value. Unlike televisions and cars, land cannot be destroyed—if you remove land, there is still more land under it. In this context, I will discuss what I would do were I given some land as a gift. It will be necessary, however, to discuss four things first: First, it is necessary to establish the size of the land. Second, we need to know where the land is. Third, the topography of the land is important. Finally, the weather in the location is fundamental.

For the purposes of this essay, I will assume that I have received a rather large parcel of land it is a gift, right?! in a temperate climate with four seasons. I will assume that the land is fairly flat. Most importantly, I will assume that this land is mine and that I have control over the land, i.e., that no other government controls the land.

Having grown up in a rather poor family, I think I would be quite excited about receiving some land. I have never owned anything of any great value and to own some land would be a wonderful thing for me. For a long time, it has been a dream of mine to be able to build a beautiful house for my mother. My mother is still living in poverty and it saddens me to think of her living in that situation. She often does not have enough money to use the heat in the wintertime and cannot afford to buy new clothes. I would love to be able to give her the gift of a house and a happy place to live for the rest of her life. Since we lived in a country with very cold winters, my family often felt very cold. I would love to bring my mother to a warm place to spend the rest of her days.

However, I would not devote all of the land to houses for my family. I would use most of the land to develop a business. In my case, doing this would be very important since I grew up poor. I would need to ensure that I would have a source of income and a way to sustain the activities on the land. An efficient way to do this would be to develop the land in some way suitable to the land. In this case, I would use the land to develop a language and confidence training camp. It has long been my dream to build a perfect language learning center—a place where people could go to learn a language, to immerse themselves in the language, to meet other people and to have fun while doing so. In conclusion, I would like to make one more point. I must admit that I feel somewhat guilty about the idea of accepting such a gift of land. There is a part of me that is somewhat idealistic and would like to think that the world is a beautiful place and that all humans should live together peacefully. From this viewpoint, I would say that no one can own land. As an American Indian once said, Own the land? You might as well own the air or the sky! However, this idea is inconsistent with the world today. Being more realistic, I would do what I detailed above.



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