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2020-08-07 12:18:01

Is it good to live in a big city?City dwellers are always complaining about traffic jam,high prices,security conditions and something like that.But the advantages people gains in living in a big city are much greater than problems it entails.Actually,it’s indeed a good thing to live in a big city.A big city equipped with modern infrastructure makes people’s life convenient and efficient.High developed underground lines,first class international airports and all covered post and telecommunication net make it possible to deliver persons and goods at the highest speed and cost least time.Besides,hospitals and schools in a big city are much better than those in the country.People live in a big city enjoy good medical and educational conditions.In a word,a big city involves most advanced achievements we have gained and these achievements are the most powerful tools to improve people’s life.Furthermore,it is universally acknowledged that people are more likely to succeed in a big city,or it can be stated as there are more opportunities in metropolitan areas for people to achieve something.One may argue that city life brings too much polluted air and occupies too much free time.There’s no doubt that living in a big city has its merits as well as disadvantages.But when the advantages and disadvantages are weighed,the conclusion is quite striking:it’s good to live in a big city.



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