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住在大城市的好处与坏处的英语作文 爱问知识人

2020-08-07 12:18:01

Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city。 People in the city can seefilms, visit exhibitions and watch games every day if they like to。 Furthermore, if they want to Become scholars, scientists or artists, they can find what they need in the city: libraries, colleges, museums, and so on。 The last But not the least important thing Id like to say is that they can get to know as many people as they want in the city。 But some other people are attracted by the beauty of the country。 First, if one is in the country he feels he is closer to nature: small streams, high mountains, fresh air, green grass and so on, all this makes people happy and stirs up the love of life。 Second, in the country, people seem to have more freedom。 They can sing high in the field, ride horses along a brook and do some interesting farm work。 Of course, both the city and the country have their disadvantnges。 As for the city, there is pollution, noise and heavy traffic。 And as far as the country is concerned, its inefficient transportation, delayed news always make people feel isolated。 Compared with cities, the country is relatively backward, but nothing can be com pared with the clean atmosphere and the gentle pace of living。 Living in the country is very good for your health。 With the deveJopment of economy, it is a trend that people will migrate from the city to the country。



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