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以如何与父母相处得更好为题写英语作文要求:1 说明你与父母相处的情况;以”HowCanI

2020-08-09 17:39:01

Why doesnt mom trust me? Why doesnt she stop nagging? Why doesnt dad lend me his laptop? Why wouldnt he stop interrogating me where I had been? How can I learn to trust if I have never been trusted?Every teenager has more or less experienced these emotional conflicts and frustration when it comes to family issues. The generation gap seems larger than ever, especially in todays liberated society. We think that we are grown up, that we are mature enough to ignore moms nagging. But is that true anyway?When giving advice to their children, parents always mean well. Their worries and doubts are not based on distrust. They give suggestions based on their experience and selfless love, which is why they never give up on us even when we give them the cold shoulder.It takes years for some to realize that their fights with their parents, after all, are meaningless. But we all have the chance to avoid such remorse. Sit down and have a talk with our parents, and tell them what we think. We always have the chance and the ability to communicate.开头是设问,我能想到的我爸妈跟我有过的冲突全写上了,为了说明孩子总觉得父母罗嗦,不信任自己的能力.第二段展开,由我的个人经历引向社会,主要说现在孩子都这样,倔.觉得父母不信任自己.第三段讨论:真的是这样吗.然后说了一堆父母的建议是建立在自己的经验基础之上的,是为我们好.第四段强调沟通重要性.If you want to be happy with your parents, you should think of living with them peacefully. Sometimes, there are many troubles between parents and children just because they dont know how to live peacefully. Basically, children should not argue with parents when parents say any words whatever right or wrong. Try to look at their eyes and pay attention. That is polite to them. You will find the advantages of it. 如果你想愉快地与父母共处,你应该考虑如何与他们和睦相处.有时候,孩子和父母之间总是存在着大大小小的矛盾,却仅仅是因为他们不知道如何和睦相处.最基本的,孩子不应该在父母说话的时候与他们顶撞,无论父母说的对与否.并且眼睛要时刻注视着父母,集中注意力.这对大家来说是一种尊重的方式.你即将找到这样做的好处.希望可以帮到你参考答案:一下

以如何与父母相处得更好为题写英语作文要求:1 说明你与父母相处的情况;以”HowCanIGetOnBetterWithMyParents?为题写英语作文要求:1 说明你与父母相处的情况;2 举例说明原因;3

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  1. 2021-10-02 10:18Mavis[宁夏网友]IP:1899749642
  2. 2020-06-23 23:16赛飞[河北省网友]IP:1729757463


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