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帮我写一篇英语作文题目为《谋事在人 成事在天》大一的作文水平就可以了。

2020-08-10 15:24:01

Man Proposes , God DisposesThere is a widespread proverb , " Man Proposes , God Disposes " . which means that the planning lies with man , the outcome with Heaven . This proverb reflects a relation between success and luck , that is , we should always work hard in order to achieve our goal , though sometimes we may meet unexpected things .Let me take English study for example . A student spends much time and energy on English , and he has good study habits . He is supposed to receive good grades in the examination . But suppose something unexpected , like illness , occurs , and his final score is far from ideal . Should he lose heart and become pessimistic ? Of course not . What he should do is just keep it up , and next time luck will most probably favor him .From my point of view , luck does influence or even dominate us sometimes , but in any case we are the master of our own fortune . It is up to ourselves whether we want to go ahead or backward . As long as you insist working hard , your effort will pay in the long run .



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