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我的家英语作文要介绍家庭环境如 四房一厅我的房间在哪里啊等等80词左右

2020-08-22 09:18:01

My parents and I are living in an apartment.We have 4 bedrooms,a living room,a dining room and a kitchen.The innermost room is my parents bedroom,they have a double bed in the middle and a big wardrobe at the side.The room opposite to my parents is my badroom.I have a single bed by the window,I always enjoy the sun shine in the afternoon.The rest two bedrooms are used as study and guest room.We have a huge set of sofa in the living room,sometime I lie on the sofa to watch TV.There is one round table and four chairs in our dining room,we alway have dinner together in the dining room.This is my home.



玉兔之死高考作文 关于诸子百家的作文 我爱中秋节作文 重渡沟一日游作文 幸福就是现在作文 写事作文六百字 闯祸作文 最优秀的作文 那次我陶醉了作文 英语暑假作文50词左右 老师的手作文400字 中考作文指导 合唱作文 变化作文500 触动心灵的爱作文 感谢父母作文 关于读书的作文记叙文 我们心中的好老师作文 研学旅行作文 四百字写事的作文 关于导盲犬的作文 学生会感想800字作文 秋天的作文好词好句 筚路蓝缕的启示作文 写父母的作文 劝爸爸戒酒作文 家乡巨变作文 我会查字典作文 关于空气的作文 初一作文我的班主任