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2014天津市高考英语作文范文假设你是晨光中学高二1班的班长李津 得知美国学生Chris作

2020-08-25 09:57:01

Dear Chris,I’m Li Jin, monitor of Class One, Grade Eleven. I have heard that you are to come to our school as exchange students., and I, on behalf of our class, welcome you warmly and sincerely. Now, I’d like to introduce some details about the weather , food and our class. The weather in fall is very pleasant. It is neither too hot nor too cold, and neither too dry nor too humid. The temperature here is at about 20 centigrade. Moreover, the food in Tianjin is delicious, including the Eight Great Bowls and the Four Great Stews, and some snacks such as Goubuli , a kind of steamed bun with filling. I am sure you will enjoy them.Our class is a very warm family. There are 55 students in our class, containing 30 boys and 25 girls. You will find it easy to join us since we all want to make friends with you. Then, you needn’t worry about the life here, because the girls and boys in our class are very friendly and helpful. Whenever you get in trouble, they are ready to lend their hand to you.At last, I personally advise you to learn some basic Chinese, in order to communicate with local people and it is much easier for you to get on with teachers and classmates by speaking Chinese. We are looking forward to seeing you. Yours, Li Jin您的采纳是我最大的动力~谢谢

2014天津市高考英语作文范文假设你是晨光中学高二1班的班长李津 得知美国学生Chris作为交换生 下学期将到你班学习.请你根据以下提示 给他写封邮件:1表示欢迎2介绍与本地生



摔了一跤漫画作文 借秋景抒情的作文 微笑作文题目 经历是一种收获的作文 也是一种幸福作文 一件事的作文600字 我爱母校作文600字 打屁股作文女贝网 让座作文500字 人蚁大战作文 我的同学作文外貌描写 桃花作文200字 别了我的童年作文 关于教师节的作文300字 全国学生作文大赛 秋作文100字 我喜欢这样的生活作文600字 生活中发生的事的作文300字 必修一语文作文 记事文作文600字 数学老师的作文 关于打扫卫生的作文 我最喜爱的玩具积木作文 关于文明出行的作文 小学开运动会的作文 三年级的作文书 写景游记作文500字 我梦想的学校英语作文 关于关爱的作文结尾 我就要毕业了作文