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2020-09-09 10:39:01

wear school uniforms at school We have to/must… listen to the teacher carefully wait in line in the dining hall keep quiet in the library run in the hallways. We can’t /mustn’t… sleep in class eat in class We can’t /mustn’t… fight use mobile phones at school smoke … have to /must … can’t /mustn’t … School Rules wear wait in line keep quiet run sleep or eat fight use smoke We have to school uniforms. We have to in the dinning hall. We must in the library. We can’t in the hallways. We can’t in class. We mustn’t . We mustn’t mobile phones at school. We mustn’t . Do you like your school rules? not beautiful ? funny? dangerous!危险的) Follow your school rules and enjoy your school life. No rules, no standards 无规矩不成方圆 Follow your family rules and enjoy your family life. Let’s guess her family rules. …has to… There are many rules for Grace in her family. Read it please. …has to… …must… Read it. She thinks these rules help her to be a good girl. So she always follows them. can’t…or has to… go out Put the them in order 按序排成一篇短文 She has to get up early in the morning. There are many rules for Grace in her family. And she has to make her bed . She must clean her room after school. She thinks these rules make her busy and tired. She can’t watch TV or go out on school nights because she has to do her homework. There are many rules for Grace in her family. She has to get up early in the morning. And she has to make the bed . She must clean her room after school. She can’t watch TV or go out on school nights because she has to do her homework. She thinks these rules make her busy and tired. Dear Dr Know, I’m happy to write this letter to you. I need time to enjoy my life. What can I do? Grace me I have I have I my I I have my I think me my head tail body Let’s try Write a letter to me . Tell me about the school and family rules you don’t feel good about .60 80words(写一封信告诉我 一些让你困扰的校规、家规。) The outline(大纲) of the writing head tail body 2 3 school rules 2 3 family rules 1 2 feelings Dear… I... What… Can… ××× { 1. Write the letter by yourself. 2. Check and correct your partner’s letter.(同桌互改) 1 head…body…tail…? 2 spelling… 3 good sentences.. 3. Show time No rules, no standards Rules can help us to be better. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 Enjoy your life with rules every day! * *



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