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英语大作文万能模板 一篇抵百篇!

2020-09-10 09:09:01

摘要:众所周知,考研英语得阅读者得天下,然而阅读很难提前准备什么,只能靠不断的训练来提高阅读水平。作文则不然,它是有套路可寻的。帮帮广泛阅读考研英语大作文数百篇,总结规律,写成考研英语大作文通用模板一篇,希望对大家有帮助。 ??第一段:描述图片describe As we can see from the picture 描述图片内容,Under the picture there is/are an/some eye catching word/words reading: 图下词语.I have seen lots of comments about 主旨词on the weibo and wechat ,the most influential social network ,these days .There is no denying the fact that 主旨词has stimulated a heated discussion. ??第二段:解释说明interpret Simple as the picture is ,the author intends to convey more complicated and profound meaning than what we may sense first glance . Therefore ,the cartoon dose demonstrate that 主题句.For example ,the success of MaYun ,founder of China s online trading empire Alibaba and Taobao ,clearly/distinctly illustrates/proves the importance of 主旨词in realizing personal ambition and creating value for the society. ??第三段:评论comments 结尾一: It is not a difficult job for us to make clear the meaning of the cartoon and come up with some comments that refer to the above phenomenon . 做出评论并用if条件状语虚拟升华。 结尾二: Then ,how should we solve this problem ?Here are some suggestions ,which may be of some help .First and foremost ,the government should mate relevant/related/interrelated rules and regulations to 主旨.Last but not least ,people should be educated to enhance the awareness of 主旨.The relationship between people ,I believe ,will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in. (实习小编:咕咚)



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