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难忘的一课The Unforgettable Lesson

2020-09-24 07:25:01

> > > > 难忘的一课The Unforgettable Lesson难忘的一课The Unforgettable Lesson

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难忘的一课the unforgettable lesson

to everyone,they always come across many different things every day,so they will forget these things easily.but to me,there is one thing making me unforgettable.

last saturday,i went to a primary school to teach english.this was my first lesson in my life and i felt very excited at that time.and i was not nervous.however,at the beginning of the lesson,i didn t know how to teach,so the classroom was full of silence.fortunately,i concentrated on the lesson very soon.in fact,i thought there were still many problems in the lesson.after class,the english teacher of this school gave me some advice .i believed they would be helpful to me in the future.

through the lesson,i realize that pratice is very important.not only can it expands my teaching experience,but it will improve my english.i believe all the time where there is a will,there is a way .

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