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2020-09-25 13:15:01

Living in countryside is better than living in the city? I would highly suggest living in the country side. Yes there are the convenient reasons for living in the city, but in the country side there are health benefits, which a lot of people dont always account for. Recent studies prove that heart issues and complications are directly related to living in a congested city with the stress and pollution. In the country side there are no health risks that can greatly affect and harm your heart. In the city, its dangerous, crowded, stressful, polluted, crime rates are higher, theres food everywhere you turn and car traffic. In the country side you can find peace, quiet, soothing environments, less pollution, smaller communities that build better relationships with one another. In Japan, the country is built on small communities and people in Japan live longer then any other group of people in the world, and many scientist link the Japanese people living so long to the tight knit communities, which is what on can find in the country side. These are the reasons I would live in the country or the mountains and not in a big city like New York or London.



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