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一篇关于乡村生活的英语作文要120个单词以上 内容要积极健康的.不要太简单也不要太难

2020-10-16 09:05:01

Living in the countryside,problems such as the traffic jam,housing problem and industrial pollution which may puzzle the citizens cant be exist.People lead a simple life in pure nature.There is much less noise and pollution than the city.The idyllic pastoral scene which make up with the first cockcrow,the twittering of birds at dawn,the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures is only part of the picture.Obviously,the environment is good for human’s health.But rural life may not be that perfect.People usually lack cultural activities.Things go fairly slowly there.Whats more,they also miss some golden opportunities of making a fortune.

一篇关于乡村生活的英语作文要120个单词以上 内容要积极健康的.不要太简单也不要太难 大概是初一这种水平作业帮



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