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初中英语作文60词左右 精选优秀作文参考

2020-09-26 22:15:01

初中英语作文60词左右 精选优秀作文参考 初三网 地区


返回 正文初中英语作文60词左右 精选优秀作文参考2018 12 31 09:57:58文/许君



My deskmate is a girl, her name is Xiao Xue. She has long hair, her pony tail often whips my face when she turns around, but I don’t mind. She likes to wear the white dresses, they make her clean and innocent, which she is. She is very interested in painting, she also won an award in the Painting competition in the city. She is nice to everyone, all the classmates like her very much.



Many of my classmates have a computer, I have one too. My father bought it for me as a present when my first year in middle school. He said I can study English with computer. Most of the time, I use computer to search study materials on the internet. I also have some foreign friends on the internet, we can talk in English. Sometimes I play video game with computer after I finish my homework. My computer helps me a lot, it is a good friend to me.



When I was small, I like to eat candy so much, I would always ask my parents to buy candy for me. In order to eat all kinds of candies, I wanted to open a candy shop when I grew up, this is my dream. Now I still hold that dream, I can sell candy to the children and I like to see their happy faces.



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