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2020-09-26 22:40:01

七年级经典英语作文范文带翻译 A trip to the zoo 动物园之旅

2018 08 10 15:27

A trip to the zoo 动物园之旅

Today is Sunday. It s sunny today . I go to the zoo with my mother. I can see many animals . There are tigers ,lions ,pandas ,snakes and many more. Look ! The pandas are over there . They re from China . Look at the baby panda ! It s climbing trees. How cute it is ! I love pandas.

Next, we go to see the lions .The lions are so strong . Their mouths are too big. The tigers are next to them. They are from Asia. They are yellow. At last,we go to see the monkeys . Some are climbing moutains , some are eating bananas . THey re so much fun !

I see many animals at the zoo and I m so happy today!

今天是星期日。天气晴朗。我和妈妈一起去动物园。我可以看到很多动物。有老虎,狮子,熊猫,蛇等等。看!大熊猫在那边。他们来自中国。看看熊猫宝宝!它爬上树。它是多么可爱!我喜欢熊猫。 接下来,我们去看狮子。狮子是如此的强壮。他们的嘴太大。老虎在狮子旁边。他们来自亚洲。他们是黄色的。后,我们去看猴子。猴子们有些在爬山,有的在吃香蕉。他们有如此多的乐趣!



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