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2020-09-26 22:40:01

People produce waste everyday at anytimes and anywhere.But most people in China haven’t formed the habit to waste sorting now. Most of us would throw,for example,plastics, papers, glass all into the same public containers, without thinking whether they are recyclable or not. But waste sorting is very important. On one hand,without sorting,some waste,such as glass,hair,batteries will remaining at the place where they were placed for a long time,as a result it will pollute the earth. So waste sorting is meaningful to all of us who live in the earth. On the other hand,”waste is just the misplaced resources”. We can recycle waste by sorting waste and making full use of some leftovers. If we do not sorting it,we are wasting resources. In conclusion,there is no doubt that we must do waste sorting immediately. We can create a conservation oriented and environmentally friendly world,which benefits us. We can do it just now,for example,we can collect the plastic bottle and sell it to junkies,and throw the used batteries into the correct dustbin.



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