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2020-09-26 23:25:01

同学们写中考英语作文要认真审题,弄清人称、时态、有哪些要点、是否涉及正反两方面的观点等再动手写。更多有关2014中考英语作文的信息可登录出国留学网,欢迎收藏本站CTRL+D即可收藏! 每个人的成长都是一种蜕变的过程,从幼稚走向成熟,从逆境走向成功。请你用英语写一篇80词以上的短文,谈谈你在成长过程中所经历的最大的一次蜕变。内容要求:1.变化前后分别是什么样子的?2.促成你转变的主要原因是什么?3.你为变化而付出了怎样的努力?注意:短文中不允许出现与考生本人相关的真实姓名和校名等信息。


I used to be a naughty boy and my mother used to be angry with me. Now I d like to say I ve changed a lot. In fact, all is because of my mother s diaries.

One day I saw my mother s diary book by accident while I was looking for my notebook. I was curious and began to read my mother s diaries. In her diaries, she showed her deep love for me. She also expressed her disappointment when I made mistakes. She said she loved me so much and she believed I could be a good boy. I couldn t help crying after reading my mother s diaries.

Since that day, I have changed a lot. I work hard and share some housework. I also try to understand my mother s feelings.



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