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2020-09-29 01:40:01

An essay of merely 150 words and you are here asking for one not of your own! You cant be serious. You are hilarious. You are absolutely one of a kind.I don’t think you are a ps because even the worst ps I have known of so far in China is able to write such a short piece. And… no sweat!I DON’T WANT TO BE RUDE, but my suggestion is that you NEVERE EVER say to anyone that you are a ps even if you happen to be one. You are surely making a laughing stock of yourself. Don’t you feel guilty if this is your school work and you are handing in one that is not written by yourself? I know academic ethics in China is lousy and appalling, but I don’t want to believe there are so many objectionable, abominable and loathsome people who are obsessed in such iniquitous practices.We dont have to be noble, but we should not be so ignoble.



声音作文 作文素材大全 我和书的故事作文400字 我的好朋友200字作文 假如我是一棵树作文 歌声嘹亮作文 令我感动的一件事作文 中学生新作文 给家长的一封信作文 三年级作文我的梦想 校园生活作文600字 什么二三事作文 童话故事作文300字 剪窗花作文 爱国作文600字 人生价值作文 父亲的爱作文 英语短作文 任务驱动型作文 作文200字大全 蜕变作文 我爱家乡作文 大学英语作文 端午作文 人物作文素材 国宝大熊猫作文300字 三年级下册第八单元作文 描写动物的作文400字 六年级上册第三单元作文 黑板上的记忆作文