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2020-09-29 05:20:01

i have a very sportive family. my dad, my mum and i all loves sport and we are very active. i like basketball and table tennis, just like most chinese kids love. i think they both are energitic and you need to react fast to it. my dad likes badminton and chess. he always play chess on the computer online with other players from the world. i sometimes play with him but i always lose. my mum likes badminton too and she always play with my dad. she is very competetive so she want to beat my dad everytime. but sometimes my dad is too good for her.我有一个很喜爱运动的家, 我和我父母都爱运动。 我喜欢篮球和乒乓球, 就像普通中国孩子一样。 我觉得这两个项目的运动量很大, 而且反应速度要快。 我爸爸喜欢打羽毛球和下国际象棋。 他经常在电脑上和别的国家的人切磋。 我有时候也陪他下但是总是输。 妈妈也喜欢打羽毛球, 她经常和爸爸打。 妈妈很好胜, 总想赢你爸爸, 但是有时候她也会输。



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