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2020-09-29 05:35:01

As the living standard improves ,more and more people are paying attention to their healthy conditions .Of cause ,different people have different ways to keep healthy .But here ,Ill tell you the best way to stay healthy in my way .Do exercise .Our lives cant live without exercise .Though the animals experiment we found that wild animals lives expectancy are twice higher than stable breeding animals .Morever ,It has been confirmed that most of more than hundred yeas old person are all manual works by large amount of data .But how doing excercise can make us stay healthy First ,for our bodies ,it can increas the function of breathe and strethen our digestive systems .Then we will have a good appetite to eat .Assimilation and digestion can also become better .Though a long time persisting ,our bodies will become more and more strong and can resist many diseases .Whats more long term exercise takes away our tiredness and make our actions agilely and reaction quikly .Its also an important way to keep our muscles strong .The last ,also one of the most important parts ,exercises can help us keep a good mood all the time .After taking exercises youll find you are in an exciting autmosphere ,all parts in your bodies are feeling fresh ,then you may feel you are in a new world and a big smile burst out natually .Keeping a good mood is also an useful way to make us stay healthy .



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