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2020-10-12 14:30:01

My Favorite Subject My name is Tom, I am 13 years old and in Grade two of my junior middle school. My favorite subject is English. As we all know, English is not our mother language, we are all zero basic learners in learning English, so basically, it is something difficult for us Chinese. But I am thinking it is funny to learn English. Firstly, I am usually excited in approaching new things. If I know English, I can teach those who dont know English, it is a happy experience. Secondly, if I can learn English well, then I could make friends with foreigners, and communicate with them in English. Moreover, I can travel abroad without the interpreters help and go anywhere freely without language barrier, so wonderful. Thirdly, learning English well helps me study in the overseas schools in the future. I like learning English, I can know more things in foreign country by watching English movies and reading English books. Learning English brings me a lot of pleasure.


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