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旅游准备 The Preparation of a Trip

2020-10-12 19:50:01

Last night, my parents told me the very exciting news that they were going to travel to Guilin with me. I was so happy, because it has been such a long time for our family not to go out together. I started to make some preparations, because I knew my parents were very busy and they did not have time to scan the details. I searched the information and chose the useful one. Seeing other people’s experience, I learned so much. I knew the famous tourist sites and the delicious food. During the preparations, I opened my vision.昨天晚上,我父母跟我说了一个非常激动人心的消息,那就是他们要和我去桂林旅游。我很开心,因为我们全家已经有很长一段时间没有一起出去玩了。我开始去做一些准备,因为我知道我的父母都很忙,他们没有时间去看一些细节问题。我去搜了一些信息,选择一些有用的。看着别人的经历,我学到了很多。我知道了哪些是著名景点、哪些食物比较美味。在这准备的过程中,我开阔了视野。 查看全文



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