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写一篇关于旅游的英语作文:My happy trip提示:我做巴士去北京进行了一次学校旅游

2020-10-13 06:55:01

Last holiday, I took part in a school trip to visit Beijing. We went to Beijing by bus. First, we visited the Summer Palace, and then visited the Great Wall. Its one of the wonder in the world. We took a lot of photos there. We stayed there to have a rest, too. In the afternoon, we went to the Wangfujing Street and bought some beautiful things. I love them very much. At last, we went back home by train in the evening. Its a happy trip. I love this trip and I love Beijing, too.这样可以了吧!

写一篇关于旅游的英语作文:My happy trip提示:我做巴士去北京进行了一次学校旅游 参观了很多地方 如颐和园the Summer Palace 万里长城等 还逛了王府井大街Wangfujing Street 并买了些纪念品 最后坐火车回来.请参与所给信息 并适当发挥 描述此活动 不可少于70个单词.麻烦英语比较好的人帮帮忙=



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