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2020-10-13 19:15:01



Just like the SARS prevention and control war, the enemys war for the new coronavirus not only challenges the medical institutions, but also challenges the community, and even everyone.Many times, encounter disaster and other unexpected accident, public opinion will be used to express "we are xx people", but in terms of correlation, I am afraid that nothing can be comparable to "human to human" infectious disease epidemic, can let us feel more real "we are epidemic prevention people". Academician zhong nanshan suggested, "no special circumstances, do not go to wuhan." This kind of advice and prevention and control response, need everyones cooperation, will inevitably affect more or less a lot of people temporarily convenient, disrupt the original Spring Festival plan. For example, some people may have to pay attention to the occasion or even cancel their planned reunion with classmates, relatives and friends. Even some business behaviors are also affected.It must be admitted that many prevention and control efforts, especially those involving control, monitoring and inspection, are based on the premise of reducing peoples convenience and sacrificing local interests. Some of these may be achieved through the construction of reasonable mechanisms to achieve social sharing, but some may be doomed to individual commitment, which must be accepted as a fact of life and a necessity in times of emergency.




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