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2020-10-18 03:50:01

生活在大城市还有多少幸福感? 这样的讨论已经成了北京、上海等大城市的热门话题,因为大城市生活中的种种不便造成了城市居民欲罢不能的心结。如今,在北京、上海、广州、深圳这样的特大城市,交通拥堵、环境污染、入托难、就医难等诸多问题已经严重困扰城市居民的生活。那么,在大城市生活英文作文怎么写呢? What is life in big city 什么是大城市的生活 With the rapid economic development, people s living conditions are improved by a large margin, including countryside and big cities. However, there are many differences between them, such as living conditions, consumptive level and interpersonal relationships, etc. In the first place, there is a tremendous contrast between the living conditions of countryside and that of big cities. Living in big cities, you can get everything you want as soon as possible so long as you have enough money, such as all kinds of delicious food, good medical conditions and so on. And the transportation is very convenient, though it often happens to meet a traffic jam. There are many buses, while taking a bus during the rush hours can be a bit of a bind. In contrast, living in countryside, you will find there is no place for you to consume even if you have much money, because the condition is not allowed. You can t get anything you want in time, such as all kinds of delicious food across the country and the medical treatment in need. Nevertheless, there is little chance to meet a traffic jam because of the easy of access. Secondly, the consumptive level in big cities is much higher than that in rural areas. In big cities, people usually choose nutritious food for their main meals and refuel now and then. And when they go shopping, they must pay the utmost attention to the high quality and they don t like to knock down price. Conversely, living in countryside, people prefer to have food which can make them feel satisfied. Meanwhile, in their eyes, they prefer buying superior quality products at a reasonable price, and they are still desirous to knock down price. Another difference is in the interpersonal relationships. People who live in big cities are more apartness, while people who live in countryside enthusiastic and friendly to others. The old saying goes a distant relative is not as good as a near neighbour is well presented in countryside. Living in countryside, people always hung together when one of them was in trouble. But living in big cities, it is normal that you can t recognize someone who is your neighbor. In short, life in countryside and life in big cities are quit different in standard of living, habits and customs, etc. We can t say which is more suitable for live, because every coin has two sides. 前段时间,有关 蜗居 dwelling narrowness、 蚁族 ant tribe的话题着实引发了不少人的关注与讨论。在这些掺杂着若干社会问题social issue的评论与讨论中,我们真应该思考一个问题:北京、上海这些承载了众多年轻人梦想的城市就那么好吗?如何才能过上我们想要的大城市生活?

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  1. 2022-08-15 01:09中国大唐[天津市网友]IP:1728713204
  2. 2020-12-10 03:57惜流芳丶[广东省网友]IP:460140479


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