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2020-10-20 21:50:01




In fact,I’d like to talking about my travel experiences.The latest experience was that my 15 classmates went to the Yellow Mountain together last summer vacation,but because of the time limit we travelled too hurriedly.This travel didn’t leave a deep impression on me,so I decide to introduce my hometown.

My hometown is Hefei,the provincial capital of Anhui Province.It’s not very large,not very rich,not very beautiful,but I still love her deeply because she witnessed my growth.

When I was little,every weekend my mum and dad took me outside.All those are precious memories.The impressive place is Xiaoyao Jin which is said to be a battlefield during the Three Kingdoms period,and it’s an amusement park now.There is a big white elephant slide that has stood for many years and it stands for the Hefei post 80s and post 90s’ childhood.Rowing with my parents on the lake,having a happy picnic with my friends,or just enjoying the happy time with my classmates.Xiaoyao Jin played an important role in my happy childhood,so does every child in Hefei.

There are many other places that become parts of my memories.For example,Dashu Mountain.It’s still an active volcano,but just relax,it’s safe.The mountain’s name includes a word”big”.To be honest,it’s just nearly 300 metres.So it provides a chance for little children that they can reach the summit not very easily.Not only children,many adults climb up every morning to exercise.The air on the top is very clear.I still remember clearly that I was very proud of reaching the peak when I climbed it first time.It’s also a part of my childhood.



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