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2020-10-20 15:05:01

Positive people see the bright side of things while pessimistic people focus on the opposite.

Optimistic people see a half bottle as half full while the pessimistic see it as half empty.

Life is neither fair nor straightforward. When we are faced with life s seeming unfairness, our face needs to jump in, never losing heart or discouraged.

An old lady has two sons, one of whom sells cotton shoes, and the other umbrellas. The lady used to be constantly worrying about either of her son s business whatever the weather. On rainy days, she was afraid that no one would buy her older son s cotton shoes; when it was fine, she worried that her younger son s umbrellas wouldn t sell. Later she learned from a wise man to see tings in a different way. Now she is always happy at the thought that, fine or rainy, one of her sons will have a good day.

It s only too natural that positive people are likely to have access to more resources and, as a result, more likely to make achievements in life.


作者:苏北公众号 苏北教育



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