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2.3 2017年11月读后续写真题课件

2020-10-20 18:00:02

Interpretation of the Text 文本解读When1.As the first day of our trip approached para.22. Finally, the moment of our departure arrived para.23. On the fourth or fifth night para.44. the next day para.4Interpretation of the Text文本解读How情感线: 1. 本中“unwillingly”,“nervous”,“to our great relief”体现了“我”和David心情的变化。2.在起程前“我”和David是不情愿的,在路途中,因担心妈妈会把“我们”落在路上,一路上“我们”都很紧张。而当爸爸拒绝妈妈搭帐篷的提议的时候“我们”松了一口气。Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读 G N策略) 1. Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para. 1 The next day we remembered the brand new tent we had brought with us. Given InformationWe finally found a vacancy in the next town.(para. 4Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G N策略)New Information①What did we do with the tent? ② What happened to the tent?③What did my brother David and I do?④What did my mum do? 1. Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para. 1 The next day we remembered the brand new tent we had brought with us. Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G N策略) 1. Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para. 2 We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.We finally found a vacancy in the next town. para.4Given InformationInterpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G N策略)New Information①What sights did we see on the journey? ② What did we do on the journey? ③ How did we feel?④How did I feel about my mother? 1. Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para. 2 We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. 2. Interpretation of underlined words下划线词解读:absent minded,forgetful,trip,David,camping,tent; Dad,Mom;,trouble,niceInterpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读Characters人物David; Dad; MomPersonality 个性;品格absent minded; forgetful; niceEvents 事件;项目trip; camping; tent; trouble;



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