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2020-10-20 18:20:01

1 Adverb Clause of time 时间状语从句 1 日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏 As the day went on, the weather got worse. 从句表示 "随时间推移 "连词用 as,不用 when 或 while. 2 恰恰在交通灯变红时,我停住了车。 Just as / When the traffic light turned red, I stopped my car. ?? 不同时发生 1 我陪你直到你妈妈回家。 I will stay with you until your mother comes home. I won’t leave you until your mother comes home. 2 在拿到钱后,他迅速地离开了银行。 After he had got the money, he left the bank immediately. After having got the money, he left the bank immediately. Before he had got the money, he didn’t leave the bank. Before having got the money, he didn’t leave the bank. 3 自从我生病以来,他就屡次给我写信 。 He has written to me frequently since I was ill. 4 我到家后就给你打电话。 I’ll phone you when I get home. As soon as I get home, I’ll phone you. as soon as 表示立即发生。 夏娃在剪草 , 亚当种玫瑰。 Eve was cutting the grass while Adam was planting roses. Eve was cutting the grass. At the same time, Adam was planting roses. Eve was cutting the grass. Meanwhile Adam was planting roses. We had a great holiday. we spent a few days in shanghai. we drove down to Hangzhou and stayed there for a week. ,we went back to Nanjing and visited some old friends. ?? 2. Adverb Clause of Reason 原因状语从句 连接主从句 because, since, and as 后接短语 due to, owing to, because of ?? 2. Adverb Clause of Reason 我没有赶上汽车所以我迟到了。 I was late because I could not catch the bus. 我觉得很不舒服,我回家很早。 Because I felt tired, I went home early. 1 我们总去那因为那的天气棒极了。 We always go there because the weather is wonderful. We always go there because of the wonderful weather. 2 由于天气原因所以飞机晚点了。 The plane was late because the weather was bad. The plane was late because of the bad weather. Due to/ Owing to the bad weather, the plane was late. ?? 3. Adverb Clause of concession and contrast 转折,对比 These clauses are introduced by 连接主从句 though, although, as, even if / though no matter how , no matter what while, whereas 后接短语 in spite of 连接两个句子 however, on the other hand by contrast, in contrast, on the contrary 虽然他很小但是他很强壮。 Although he is small but he is very strong. Although he is small, he is very strong. 注意: 当有 though, although 时,后面的从 句不能有 but 尽管他膝盖( knee)受伤,他仍然赢得了比赛 。 He still won the game although/ though/even though/ even if he had a bad knee. He still won the game in spite of his bad knee. ?? Exercise Although its raining, they are still working in the field. 1 虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。 He is very old, but he still works very hard. 2 虽然他很老,但仍然努力地工作。 Exercise 写同义句 尽管他很小但是他很强壮。 Though he is small, he is very strong. Small though/as he is, he is very strong. 尽管下雨了,他们仍然在地里工作。 Though its raining, they are still working in the field. Raining though/as it is, they’re still working in the field. ?? Mary 很富有但是 John 很穷。 ?? Mary is rich, while / whereas John is poor. ?? 冬天,中国的北方很寒冷干燥。然而,南方却温暖潮湿。 ?? The north of China is cold and dry, while/ whereas the south is warm and wet in winter. ?? however 虽然我不同意他的很多方法,但是他是一个很好的老师。 1 Although/ though/ even though/even if Although/ though/ even though/even if I don’t agree with a lot of his methods, he is a good teacher. 2 but I don’t agree with a lot of his methods but he is a good teacher. 3 However I don’t agree with a lot of his methods. However, he is a good teacher. Tom 觉得这是一部很棒的电影,然而 Joe 觉得这部电影很傻。 Tom thought it was a great film. However, Joe thought it was stupid. ?? On the other hand On one hand, studying overseas has a number of advantages. Firstly,……. Secondly,……….. Thirdly, ……. On the other hand, studying abroad has a number of drawbacks. These may be divided into personal and professional. ?? in contrast, by contrast, on the contrary 1 他不穷相反他是个百万富翁。 He is not poor. , he is a millionaire. 2 这家旅馆不贵,相反他是这个城里最便宜的。 This hotel is not expensive. ,it is the cheapest one in this town. ?? 4 Adverb Clause of Result 结果状语从句 连接主从句 so that, so + adj. / adv. + that such + a + noun + that , etc. 连接两个句子 As a result, as a consequence, consequently, in consequence, therefore ?? Adverb Clause of Result Tom 很弱以至于他跑不动。 Tom was weak so that he could not run. Tom was so weak that he could not run. 这个故事太离奇了以至于没人相信。 It was a strange story so that no one believed it. It was such a strange story that no one believed it. 他不好好学习结果没通过考试。 He didn’t study hard so he failed the exams. He didn’t study hard. As a result,/ As a consequence,/ Consequently, he failed his exams. 写作 He didn’t study hard. Therefore, he failed his exams. (写作) He didn’t study hard, therefore he failed his exams. (写作) ?? 5 Adverb Clause of Purpose 目的状语从句 连接主从句 so that, in order that, for fear that, in case, etc. ?? Adverb Clause of Purpose 目的状语从句 He arrived earlier so that he wouldn’t be late. He arrived earlier in order that he wouldn’t be late. He arrived earlier for fear that he would be late. He arrived earlier in case he would be late. ?? 6 Addition 递进(添加信息) what’s more, as well, too 后两个不用于句首 连接两个句子 besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, likewise, similarly, equally ?? Addition 递进(添加信息) and, as well, too, what’s more, in addition, furthermore, moreover, besides 而且 对于这件工作你需要有学位而且还要有一些工作经验。 For this job you need a degree and some experience. 口语 For this job you need a degree. You need some experience as well/ too. 口语 For this job you need a degree. What’s more, you need some experience. (口语) For this job you need a degree. In addition, you need some experience. (写作) For this job you need a degree. Furthermore, / Moreover, Besides, you need some experience. (写作) For this job you need a degree. Equally, you need some experience. (口笔) For this job you need a degree. Similarly, you need some experience. (口笔) For this job you need a degree. Likewise, you need some experience. (口笔) 孩子应该尊重父母,同样的他们也要尊重老师 。 Children should respect their parents. They should respect their teachers as well. Children should respect their parents. _____ ,they should respect their teachers. ?? 7 Conditions 条件 连接主从句 if, unless as so long as=on condition that= provided that,=providing that supposing that, assuming that, otherwise ?? Conditions 条件 You can borrow this bike providing that you return it by 5 pm. You can borrow this bike provided that you return it by 5 pm. You can borrow this bike supposing that you return it by 5 pm.口语 You can borrow this bike assuming that you return it by 5 pm.(口语) ?? otherwise=if not 我必须走了否则我要错过末班车了。 I must go now otherwise I’ll miss the last bus. I must go now. If not, I’ll miss the last bus. ?? 8 Adverb Clause of Place 地点状语从句 连接主从句 where and wherever. ?? Adverb Clause of Place 把药放在你可以很容易拿到的地方。 Put the medicine where you can easily get it. 他到任何他喜欢的地方去旅游。 ?? He travels wherever he likes. You’d better make a mark where you have any questions. 地点状语从句 You’d better make a mark at the place where you have any questions. 定语从句 倒装 1 if 引导的虚拟语气的倒装(见前面笔记) ) 2 although 引导的倒装 尽管他很小但是他很强壮。 Though he is small, he is very strong. Small though/as he is, he is very strong. 尽管下雨了,他们仍然在地里工作。 Though its raining, they are still working in the field. Raining though/as it is, they’re still working in the field. 3 By no means / On no account /In no way/ At no time/ under no circumstance 绝不 Under no circumstance can we ignore the importance of education. By no means should we separate education from practice. 4 Not only…but also The parents should spend time on their children. They should also communicate with them. 把这句变成倒装 Not only should parents spend time on their children but also they should communicate with them.



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