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上海方言 方言英语作文

2020-10-20 18:40:02

时间:2007 12 05来源:栏目:作者: 收藏: 建议你背诵这篇英语作文ShangHai Dialect 上海方言,ShangHai Dialect 上海方言范文,并提取其中的关键句型,活用到你的作文中去,就可以获得高分。 ShangHai Dialect 上海方言由英语作文网整理收集 www.joozone.com I give a presentation in a new class or when I me

建议你背诵这篇ShangHai Dialect 上海方言,ShangHai Dialect 上海方言,并提取其中的关键句型,活用到你的作文中去,就可以获得高分。

ShangHai Dialect 上海方言由网整理收集

I give a presentation in a new class or when I meet some new in the . However, I never think I am a qualified Shanghainese because I cant speak Shanghai dialect well though I have lived here for more than ten years. Certainly you will be curious of how this happened.I am not a Shanghai native. I was born in Chengdu, Sichuan, where my parents went to decades ago because of the great revolution in the 1970s. I spent my first five years there.Then I moved to Hangzhou as my parents thought I should receive formal education .The first day I spent in the primary in Hangzhou didnt bring me any joy. On the contrary, I felt quite sad because many pupils laughed at my Sichuan dialect which was rarely heard there. I cried sadly at home that evening. How could a six year old child bear being laughed at by so many people? I only wished that I would never go to again but of course my parents wouldnt approve. You can imagine how I felt when my parents held my hands and led me all the way to . I felt lonely in the totally strange classroom with the totally strange people who, I thought ,were looking at me with ironic smiles on their faces. At that time the only thing I could do to avoid being laughed at was to learn Putonghua, which is used all over China and which could help save my dignity. Every child has got a talent for learning , as it is known to all. So in approxi mately three months I could speak Putonghua as fluently as any other pupil in the class. Since then l never spoke a single word in Sichuan dialect. The experience taught me that speaking dialecthardly had any good on me.Before I could find out whether abandoning a dialect so quickly was beneficial for me or not, my parents moved to Shanghai to work here. Undoubtedly, they brought me here,which meant I should again study in a new place. I was eight years old then. My parents brought me to the next day we moved to Shanghai. Before I approached the door of the teachers office I heard people in the office were talking with a dialect that I could not understand. Though the teachers talked to me kindly in Putonghua when they saw me tiptoeing into the office I was worried what I could do if I couldnt understand Shanghai dialect. Hardly had I made up my mind to study Shanghai dialect when I stepped into a small shop to buy a bottle of orange juice to relieve my thirsty caused by the anxiety of golng to the new . I talked to the shop assistanct that I wanted a bottle of orange juice in Putonghua, but she didnt even lift her eyelids. She coldly squeezed two words between her tightly closed lips. Unfortunately, I couldnt catch what she said. So I asked again. Then maybe my words annoyed her because she suddenly shouted at me in Shanghai dialect. The only word I could understand was Xiangwuning which means the people from rural places. The despise word hurt me so deeply that I thought there was no good in speaking Shanghai dialect. I didnt like the Shanghai natives who were so impolite towards people from other cities. In the following years, when my father, who is a Shanghai native and can speak fluent Shanghai dialect, wanted to teach me Shanghai dialect, I always shook my head.Now I can understand Shanghai dialect very well. But as there are more and more people from other cities in Shanghai, it brings a trend to speak Putonghua. When I speak Putonghua in stead of Shanghai dialect, The Shanghai natives look down upon me. Then I will just speak . Seeing the confusing expression on his or her face, I will leave without any more words. Ill not worry about whether I am a real Shanghainese or not. I believe Putonghua dominates all the dialects and most people in Shanghai will speak it other than Shanghai dialect in the future. So there is no use for me to pick up Shanghai dialect.Next time I introduce myself, I will still tell others that I cant speak Shanghai dialect without any shame.

简 评世界上的语言难以计数,只有自己的语言最美;一个国家的方言难以计数,只有自己使用的最动听。语言作为一种人类特有的交流手段本来无所谓优劣,但人们由于各种原因将其与社会身份和地位联系起来。这样一来,某些发达地区的方言便有了优于其他方言的理由。这篇中谈及的现象发人深思,但和上面一篇一样,这篇同样要在材料的取舍上下功夫。如第一个经历可以写得简单点,而把笔墨主要放到后面的描写和思考上。



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