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2020-10-20 21:05:01

Time flies, imperceptible, I have stood on the new starting point of 2011. It is a new beginning.

The New Year bell rang, I slowly one year older again, and to mature Wallace is a good step forward, and I m not a kid anymore. Bells tolled in before, I made a 2011 wish in the New Year. I am a middle school students, learning to me is the first, I ll in 2011, New Year s day of good good study, day day up, try to obtain very good results and a happy ice. 2010 for me, has become the past, before everything has become history. I want the goal in 2011, in a New Year to create their own happiness. Years does not keep a person, the New Year bell ever present urged us to go forward to want to own goals, work hard to efforts to try again. I want to wish to become reality, I believe that as long as I for the sake of their own goals to go ahead, exhausted his best, I would sooner or later one day wishes come true. Light said don t cheat the mules, I can use practical action to prove that I can.

The New Year was coming, and we stand on the same starting point, everyone for their ideal fuheng, everybody does not wish to lag behind. Time in the past all efface, everyone start from now to see who can ultimately insist to an end, smile most brilliant at the end point. In 2010, I still has one part not wish, I want to be in 2011 all come true. May achieve these New Year wish is my best gift.

2011 to who is same, perhaps thousands of PPM will have a lucky person, but also have nine percent probability of 999 Oriental than you. In 2011, let us down to earth, one step a footprint, walk oneself key journey of life.

2011 carrying us too much dream, let us fly wings, creat a brilliant future in the New Year.



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