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英语作文 给校报的建议信要点提示 1内容贴近学生生活2涵盖更多英美国家文化知识100

2020-10-21 00:10:01



On the weekend before last, my classmates, teachers and our new foreign teacher Michael went to Gaobang Mountain to pick Litter and put it in the Litter bins.I was happy because I could climb mountains with my classmates and pick the Rubbish. It was meaningful. It makes our mountains look even more clien and beautiful. I was excited, so I went there early. I had to wait for my classmates and teachers who were still on the way, while I was waiting at the foot of the mountain. Ten minutes later, we started to climb.We climbed slowly in order to pick every piece of litter and put it in the litter bins. All visitors smiled at us. Fortunately, there was not so much rubbish. We were tired. Forty minutes later, we climbed up to the top of the mountain. It was very cool on the top because the wind was strong.On the way down the mountain, we taught Michael Chinese and he learned fast. His strange Chinese made us laugh again and again. I really want to climb again, and I hope there is no litter on the mountain next time.

英语作文 给校报的建议信要点提示 1内容贴近学生生活2涵盖更多英美国家文化知识100词左右



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