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求高一英语作文!关于买衣服的!描述一老大爷去服装店买衣服的经过 售货员不顾职业道德

2020-10-26 15:25:03

One day an old man went shopping for clothes in a department store.There was a shop assistant who wanted to persuade him to buy a sweater,which didnt fit him at all.Of course the old man wouldnt like to.The saleswoman said,"Why didnt you choose it?I know there may be some problems with it.But dontt you know that doing up fewer buttons can save your time?And its more convenient for you to wipe off your sweat.Above all,youll feel fresher and cooler."The old man said nothing at first.After a while,he told the saleswoman,"Ok,Ill buy it." She was very happy.But the moment she saw he only pulled out a coin out,she was very surprised.She shouted,"No,come on,man.Is the beautiful sweater worth so little?"The old man replied with a smile,"Yes,I think so.Dont forget that:Only one coin will make you easier to count the money,too."The saleswoman said nothing with a red face,standing there still.The old man then took back his coin and gave the sweater back,saying "If you wouldnt like to do so,me too."

求高一英语作文!关于买衣服的!描述一老大爷去服装店买衣服的经过 售货员不顾职业道德想出百般理由说服顾客买下不合身的衣服 根据顾客与售货员的对话写一篇幽默故事.售货员:Doingupfe



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