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跪求高中生英语作文 写我的偶像艾弗森 他是NBA的球员 要带中文翻译。

2020-10-28 13:05:01


跪求高中生英语作文,写我的偶像艾弗森,他是NBA的球员,要带中文翻译.****** 艾弗森阿伦·艾弗森Allen Iverson,美国NBA著名篮球运动员,曾多次入选NBA全明星阵容,曾任美国男篮梦之队队长.原地净弹跳高度达到40.5英吋,助跑净弹跳高度更是达到了45英吋即114cm左右.

英语作文我的偶像艾弗森 ****** People say that Iverson is among the greatest guards of his age and one of the best scorers投篮手in the history of NBA games. A great example of someone who has grown, matured, and learned from his mistakes, Iverson has had to overcome...

高三英语作文,我心中的偶像.****** my idol我的偶像i like playing badminton very much. i play it every weekend.and i like watch badminton games.the idol of mine is lin dan.he is the best badminton player in the world.his skills are so excellent.watching his games is very enjoyable.we ...

求一篇关于我的偶像的英语作文,高中作文.最好是陈翔的.****** 陈翔网宣组小浅为你解答 陈翔: I will never forget the night he was kicked off. His unexpecteddeparture离开left a number of his fans ,including me,sad and sorry. He is chenxiang ,whocame fifth in this year`s happy boys. chen is handsome and...

写艾弗森的中学生英语作文我的偶像****** 忠诚一支球队.还是忠诚一项运动 过去艾弗森选择前者.现在他选择了后者.曾经他选择忠诚于费城.也曾让这座城市距离NBA之巅只有一步之遥.但最终他带着一身伤痛离开.没有抱怨.只有回头时的心动.科罗拉多高原接纳了全部的答案.在这里.他和安东尼并肩作战.他说.我无所谓谁是领导者.关键在于球队能够最终获胜.此时此刻.艾弗森让人们看到:他在表明自己对这项运动的忠诚.他说.如果自己不再是主力球员.他不会在替补席上老去.选择离开,是因为他尊重这项运动.

高一水平的英语作文 我的偶像.****** My idolThere are many popular singers in the world. However, Michael Jackson is my favorite one. He died when he was only fifty years old .I like his songs very much. He is so talented that people call him the king of pop. He could sing good songs ...

英语作文我的偶像****** My Idol I like playing badminton very much. I play it every weekend. And I like watch badminton games. The idol of mine is Lin Dan. He is the best badminton player in the world. His skills are so excellent. Watching his games is very enjoyable. We ...

急求一篇写我的偶像的英语作文 字数要150左右****** I like jay zhou 周杰伦very much . he is young , not handsome but so outstanding . he creats so much music ,and sing by himself ! so this the reason that many people like him . especially chirdren . in a word ,I admire him ! he is my proud forever !

求关于我的偶像写一篇英文作文,...****** introduction jackie chan, star of the kung fu movie industry, has been attracting audiences the world over for more than a decade. his worldwide popularity today, with more than fifty films to his name, is an ongoing phenomenon. he incorporated the ...

我的偶像的英文作文****** My Idol My idol is Rainie Yang . She was born on June 4th,1984.She was born in taiwan. She is a singer and an actress . She is beautiful and cute. She is162cm tall. Her weight is 42kg . She can speak Chinese,English,Japanese and Cantonese ...



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