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手机改变我的生活 Cellphone Changes My Life

2020-10-31 21:00:01

Many years ago, cellphone was not allowed to be brought in the classroom, but now cellphone has been part of people’s live and students can use it anytime. My mother bought me a cellphone, so I could keep in touch with her, but she was worried about me a lot. Since I had the cellphone, I always wanted to play it, even the timeI was having class. Cellphone distracted my attention on study. I realized it changed my life and I must used it in the proper way. So I turned off my cellphone when I was having class, and I also controlled myself not to play it when I was doing homework. Now I get used to the cellphone.许多年前,手机是不被允许带到教室去的,但现在手机已成为人们生活的一部分,学生也可以随时使用。我妈妈给我买了一部手机,这样我就可以和她随时保持联系,不过她总是担心我。自从我有了手机,我总是想玩,甚至上课的时候也想玩。手机分散了我在学习上的注意力。我意识到它改变了我的生活,我必须要正确使用手机。所以上课的时候我都把手机关机,写作业的时候我也控制自己不玩。现在我已经适应了手机了。 查看全文



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