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大学英语作文手机如何改变我们的生活How Does Cellphone Change Our Life

2020-11-01 10:05:02

手机如何改变我们的生活How Does Cellphone Change Our Life

We live in a world with high tech products. Cellphone has been part of our life, it gets updated very fast. Unlike twenty years ago that cellphone is owned by the adults, but now even a kid is equipped with a cellphone. This high tech product changes our life. It brings convenience to our life, but at the same time, the over use of the product let us miss something from our life.


Cellphone indeed facilitates our life. We can keep in touch with our friends any time anywhere instead of making an appointment. We can make new friends through QQ, getting knows what our friends are doing right away. Before, if people miss their family, the first thing they do is to write a letter and send it home, but now, they just pick up the phone and call their parents, they can catch them immediately. How efficient the work is.

手机确实使给我们的生活带来便利。我们可以和朋友随时随地联系,而不用计划,我们可以通过QQ结交新朋友,第一时间知道我们的朋友在做什么。以前,如果人 们想念家人,他们做的第一件事就是写信寄回家,但是现在,他们只要拿出手机,打给家人,就可以马上和家人联系。这是多么有效率啊。

While the phone brings convenience, it does harm to people’s life to some extent. Today as cellphone’s function has been fulfilled, people



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