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沉迷于智能手机 Addiction to Smartphones

2020-11-01 10:05:02

Addiction to Smartphones

Do you check your smartphone frequently? Do you feel distracted if your smartphone is not with you? When there s no Wi Fi or signal for your smartphone, will you get irritated? If you say yes, then you ve got addiction to smartphones. Smartphone addiction is a phenomenon that causes a lot of troubles to people.

你经常检查你的智能手机吗?如果你的智能手机没有和你在一起,你会感到心烦吗?当你的智能手机没有Wi Fi或信号时,你会被激怒吗?如果你说 是 ,那么你就已经沉迷于智能手机了。智能手机成瘾是一种会给人们带来很多麻烦的现象。

In the first place, it may cause some problems to your health, such as visual fatigue, cervical spondylosis, and even neurasthenia. A friend of mine suffers from a serious spine collapse due to her addiction to the smartphone during pregnancy.


Secondly, if you keep playing with your phone when you are with your friends or family, you will spend less time talking to them. In fact, it is they who need and deserve to be cared for.


Lastly, an excessive reliance on smartphones may weaken your interpersonal skills. When you cannot find a place, you consult your GPS instead of consulting local people. You spare more time playing mobile games than playing real games with real people. As time passes, it s possible that you may have difficulty in communicating with people.


Therefore, isn t it better to get rid of smartphone addiction?


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