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Smartphone Addiction_智能手机成瘾英语作文200字

2020-01-03 13:45:01

As technology develops, the smartphone functions are increasing day by day. At the same time, more and more young people are addicted to their smartphones. This is a serious problem that we should pay enough attention to.

As far as I'm concerned, we should look upon the problem objectively. First of all, our technology does develop greatly for we have more ways to relax ourselves by these new smartphones after working for a long time. These machines bring us joy and relaxation. What's more, smartphones make us have access to convenient life. For example, we can check out or pay the fees with our smartphone. However, there are also many people getting addicted to games or teleplay, wasting their precious time in vain. Last but not least, using the smartphone for a long time does harm to our brains and eyes. From this point of view, we should also control the use of the smartphone.

In a word, what we have to do is achieving the balance between the "tool" and the "amusement". Use our smartphone correctly, we can enjoy a cheerful life.




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