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2020-11-02 12:10:01

Face reality, do not tell truths, their own future, to grasp their own. When we pursue the ideal, of course, can not ignore the practical problems. The perfect is the ideal and reality can, find a job you love. When the ideal and the actual differences, the three steps you need to. 1 to face the reality, as long as was food and clothing, have a certain income, you will reap material things 2 from reality, do you not the most favorite work. Do not love the work done "good enough", and then say what the ideal to pursue.Can have both the ideal and the reality is the. But you must have a plan to pay, must be persistent, very best, we can not say what good work is not good. In fact, many successful people make are to start small, hard, then succeed. A job as long as you like, and this work was particularly suitable for you, to maximize your strengths, but in the employment situation is fairly severe situation, it is difficult to achieve while in the employment career. In this case, the first post employment career is not necessarily a good thing, in the process youll find yourself a lot of accumulated social experience,



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