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2020-11-07 10:40:01

besides…, what’smore…。表示对比或对照等方法在写作中的运用。让学生掌握一定的篇章词块知识会让学生在表达中更加连贯、自然和流利。二是江苏名师葛文山老师对写作的开始阶段 布局谋篇的论述:在动笔之前,学生需要先审题,了解题目的要求,对文章的体裁和结构有一个整体的宏观规划。一般来说,高考英语作文是一篇不少于120字的英语小短文,通常由两三段构成,构建语篇的篇章结构有以下四种基本方法:列举描述法在讲故事时,我们常常使用列举描述法(collection /description ),通过时间顺序或空间顺序,罗列一些事实观点、事情的细节、特征等零散的信息。在报刊杂志中,记者往往采取写作法(journalisticwritingstyle)来构思行文,一篇报道必须包括五个W,也就是who,what, where, when and why.例如2012年北京高考卷的作文题:假设你是红星中学高三1班的学生李华,校报英文版正在开展续写雷锋日记活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,将你所做的一件好事以日记形式记述下来,向校报投稿。样文This morning,walking on the street, I met two strangers who werestudying a map. They looking worried, I realized that they musthave been lost, so I asked them what I could help them with. Theytold me that they would go to the Temple of Heaven.Then I led them to the nearby bus stop andtold them a No. 20 bus could take them right there. Soonafterwards, the bus arrived. Not untilthey got on the bus did I wave goodbye to them and left. Iwas so glad that I could help others.上面这篇样文就是按照时间顺序来布局谋篇的,常使用到一些表示时间的过渡词,如shortlyafter, ever since, at the same time, before long, first,second等。表示空间顺序的过渡词有:on the left, in themiddle/center of, at the foot/top/end of, on the other side of, tothe left/right of等。因果关系法因果关系法(cause/effect)可以先阐述原因,再说结果,也可以先提出一个社会现象,然后分析导致这个现象的原因。例如2012年高考安徽卷的英语作文题:假设美国某中学的学生明天来你校访问交流,主题是高中生对文、理科的选择。请你用英语写一篇发言稿,向他们介绍你所做的选择,并说明选择的理由。样文High school students are faced with a choicebetween arts and science. Most students make their final decision,depending on their hobbies and interests, weaknesses and strengths,and future goals. Having taken everything into consideration, Imade my final decision to be an arts student.There are some reasons accounting for mychoice. First, arts lessons, full of famouspeople and events, are extremely interesting and enjoyable whileabstract concepts and calculation in science lessons are veryboring. Second, the choice of arts can help me achieve my childhooddream of becoming a lawyer or translator. Third, I am better atarts than science, which will enable me to perform well in collegeentrance exams and get admitted to my dreamuniversity.值得注意的是,导致结果的原因往往有很多个。在这种情况下,除了主要使用因果关系法以外,我们还要辅助使用列举描述法来陈述多个原因,比如上面样文中的第二段就是采用了列举法。问题求解法有一类作文要求学生描述一个问题,并向报刊专栏、相关专家等求援。这时,可以采用问题求解法(problem/solution)。在陈述问题和求助时,常使用到一些表达表达方式(下面样文中的加下划线的句子)。例如2011年高考全国卷I的英语作文题:假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按要求写一封信。样文…I’m LiHua, a Chinese student taking summercourses in your university.I’m writing to ask for help. Icame here last month and found my coursesinteresting. But I have some difficulties withnote taking and I have no idea of howto use the library. I was told the Learning Center provides helpfor students and I’m anxious to get help from you. Ihave no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Please letme know which day is OK with you. .…有时候,作文的题目要求也会反过来,让学生阅读一份求助或咨询信件,然后写一封回信,提出解决问题的对策。例如2011年高考广东卷的第二节读写任务,让考生先阅读一篇文章,了解一个学生无法适应寄宿学校生活,然后写一篇文章,向这个需要帮助的学生提出切实可行的建议。高中英语问题解决型作文模板1、问题解决型模板一2、问题解决型模板二(四)比较对照法比较对照法是广大师生比较熟悉的一种方法,学生需要先根据题目的提示和要求,提炼出一个论点,通常是一个疑问句或whether引导的从句,需要讨论才能得出最终结论。然后,比较支持不同观点的论据。例如2012年11月苏州高三调研试卷作文题:从南京“彭宇案”开始,社会就陷入助人恐惧中,最近,你们班就是否应该帮助陌生人展开了讨论,同学们就这一话题意见不一,你的看法如何?样文Recently our class had a discussion aboutwhether we should help strangers. Opinions aredivided on this topic.Some think we should try to help others whether they arestrangers or not.Helping others is a virtue, andit will make our society more harmonious. Besides, to some extent,helping others is helping oneself. We may come across some troubleand need others help some day.However, others disagree. They areafraid that helping others can sometimes bring us trouble or evenput us in danger. Sometimes we are just misunderstood and aretrapped in big trouble. In my opinion, we should learn toprotect ourselves while lending a hand to those in need. Only ifeveryone tries a little kindness, will society be full of love andtrust be established between people.在时间写作中,可以建议学生常采用“四段式”来组织文章的结构:第一段开门见山呈现某一有争议的社会现象;第二段阐述正方观点;第三段介绍反方观点;最后一段再说自己的支持哪一方。三是受21st Century—TeensWriting Guide对审题及如何写outline的启示。它应该包括审题、谋篇等,其中审题包括:审基本信息:如when, where, who,what, why,how等;体现各种关系的关联词等。谋篇包括文章的结构:partIIntroduction事件发生的时间、地点、经过等;part IIBody事件发生的原因(至少2个);partIIIEnding避免冲突或解决问题的方法再加上自己的观点表达。相关表达:事件经过部分要点:bumpinto/ collide with each other, behave rudely, yell,swear;结果:a terrible quarrel, tenserelationship, severeconsequences;冲突原因部分要点:result from liein, contribute to ,bring about, lead to, not stay calm, swear at,swear word, be to blame, pin blame on sb., become furious/angry;避免冲突或解决问题部分要点:avoid conflicts,resolve the conflict, considerate/ generous, keep the conflictaway, get on well with, harmonious。接着我们还会分课时继续ways of creating outlines: eg.collection/ description; problem/solution等等; paragraph development andbetter or advanced expressions.



我的小传作文600字初二 感恩父母作文400字左右 找到自己的燃点作文800字 环境保护作文800字高中 东风为我来作文600字 每个站点都有风景作文500字 春天来了作文300字左右 每个站点都有风景作文800字 我的动物朋友作文350字 成长中的烦恼400字作文 创新作文800字高中 我的母亲作文600字初中 我也有属于自己的光芒作文 猜猜他是谁作文100字 传承文化作文800字 写信作文的格式怎么写 假期二三事作文600字 元宵节的风俗作文 童年作文350字左右 热闹的集市作文500字 为什么着色600字作文 时间作文800字高中 追求和放弃为话题作文 最美的遇见作文500字 自我介绍英语小作文 送给女朋友的小作文 番茄炒鸡蛋作文400字 优秀作文五百字 动物作文400字小猫 关于责任担当的作文