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英语作文:假设你班今天举行了一次爱心义卖活动 请你

2020-11-11 16:20:01

英语作文:假设你班今天举行了一次爱心义卖活动,请你根据下面提示的内容写一篇英语日记,谈谈感受.内容要点:时间 今天早上9点到11点,地点:学校操场.义卖品:旧的飞机模型 旧的风筝 旧书等

英语作文:假设你班今天举行了一次爱心义卖活动,请你根据下面提示的内容写一篇英语日记,谈谈感受.内容要点:时间 今天早上9点到11点,地点:学校操场.义卖品:旧的飞机模型 旧的风筝 旧书等 买的人:老师 学生,结果:进展顺利,共筹集大约1800元,将捐给希望工程,尤其是四川雅安地震灾区的小盆友.参考词汇:a charity sale;model plane,kite,toy;come and buy;be interested in ;late for two hours;money;be sent to project hope ;a wonderful experience.日记格式.最好请在10分钟内答题, star279353 英语 2014 11 30

优质解答 friday,may 7th this morning our class had a charity sale on our school playground.we prepared many things which we made by hand in our spare time, such as kites, model planes and so on. they looked very beautiful. at 8:30, the activity started. many students and teachers came to take part in it. it went well, and the results were worth the effort. we made over ¥2,000 in the end. we’ll send the money to project hope. i had a wonderful experience. i’m proud of what we have done. if everyone makes a contribution to the charity, the world will be much better. hpslixvf 2014 11 30



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