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2020-11-14 01:25:01

写公共规则的中考英语作文「推荐」 >>>> 写公共规则的中考英语作文「推荐」

2017 05 25



It s not allowed to throw litter anywhere in the public places. Everyone should obey the rules. Speaking loudly in the reading room is seemed to be very rude. Remember not to do anything that might make other people uncomfortable. We should stand in line when we are waiting for the bus. Try hard to give up the bad habits and develop good ones. We should respect the senior people and talk to them politely. Especially, we should give our seat to old people or women with babies on the bus. I think helping others can not only make us happy but also help us get more experience in life. Please cherish the public property.


There are many rules in our society.Rules make our life better.

For example,you are not supposed to smoke in publice.It s necessary.Because it may make others feel uncomfortable.Another instance is that you shouldn t litter about.We should protect our environment so that our Mother Earth will be more and more beautiful.You are not supposed to sneeze or speak loudly in public.If you do ,others will regard you as an impolite person.

Follow the rules,and make our life more comfortable.

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