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2020-11-15 15:25:01


没有经过训练的学员经常最终写出一系列他们眼前见到的所有事物,而不是将事物总结或者在相关联的地方进行比较(summarize the information and make comparison where relevant)。然而,25%的分数是由任务完成程度(Task achievement)决定的。

因而,苏州环球教育杨晓娟老师会让学校在小作文的写作中,着重训练自己“present a clear overview of the main trends,differences or stages”的能力。

以这道剑桥9 Test 1 Task 1题目为例,我们分享一下环球学员是如何在近期考场上应对地图题的:


The given maps illustrate the development of an island before and after some tourist amenities have been constructed.(18 words)

Body 1:(综合概括Present an overview)

Before the construction, the island is featured with some natural sceneries, with trees in the far west and roughly middle and a beach on the west side, but there have been dramatic changes after the construction of the facilities. (39words)

Body 2(Summarize the information -(Grouping the elements)piers; reception center;restaurant;vehicle tracks + accommodation area;foot path)

The most noticeable is thatthe island could now be accessible through the piers in the south, with the connected vehicle tracks surrounding the reception center and leading north to (向北通往)the restaurant. A further development is the accommodation area, which is located on the two sides of the central reception zone and supported by a network of footpaths. (62 words)

Body 3(Summarize the information- (Grouping the elements )boating;swimming)

The diagram also shows some water-related entertaining facilities:obviously, the dock area (港口区域)is open for some boating amenities, and the sea near the beach is available for swimming, which means tourists should make full use of the footpath that leads to the west beach. (45 words)


Overall, the diagram shows some attractive development of the island featured with some basic services and water-based activities. (18 words)

总结信息,即很多个变化特征写在同一个句子/段落里,用于回应考官的要求----group the elements

在第一个加粗部分,piers+vehicle tracks + reception centers+ restaurant 被结合在一个句子中,通过,with 结构呈现。第二个加粗部分(accommodation area+footpaths)。第三个加粗部分(dock areas+boating amenities+swimming)。通过句子有机的整合,考官能够看到学员在Summarize the information 方面做出的努力。




写山楂树的作文 特别的日子作文600字 写月考的作文 考研作文模版 松树借物喻人的作文 青年作文素材 关于建筑物的作文 丢掉烦恼作文 写芒果的作文400字 成长的故事初中作文 什么伴随我长大作文 以前和现在的变化作文 以如果为题的作文 三年级作文秋季运动会 小学日记作文 关于梅花精神的作文 关于打仗的作文 值得学习作文 我最喜欢小兔子作文 作文一年四季 爱国爱党爱人民作文 大蒜的生长作文 又见春天真好作文600字 后悔的事作文400字 北京游玩作文400字 远方作文素材 泼水节英语作文初三 美丽的瞬间作文300字 射击比赛作文 感谢老师的话作文