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经济学人:讣告 OK在2014年死亡

2020-11-21 17:45:01








It was not the smallest glacier around, nor the most remote. You could see it from outlying parts of Reykjavík, Iceland s capital, and from a long section of the country s ring road. Nor was it striking. It had none of the beauty of its neighbour Snfellsjkull, draping the perfect volcanic cone where Jules Verne found the tunnel that led to the centre of the Earth, nor the unearthly blueness of Svínafellsjkull, which played a background in Game of Thrones


Among 300 or so other glaciers sprawling across Iceland, covering 11% of the land surface, it was easily ignored. It sat low above the valley it had helped hollow out, a white cloak across the flattened peak of a shield volcano called Ok. From this it drew its full name, Okjkull, the yoke glacier . It remained Ok for short.



not...nor... 既不,也不

ring road 环形路

striking 引人注目的

drape 悬挂

sprawling 四仰八叉


It grew toes and arms. Though Ok was never big enough to have a proper gouging snout, it nonetheless did its small bit to carve out Iceland, a country where every feature of the landscape had history, and a tale, embedded in it. It stood as witness to that history, too.


At times it was a frightening companion. In spells of warmer weather its deepest meltwater, thickened to milky white with eroded bedrock, flooded and silted farmland.

After the hardest winters it would swallow up sheep pastures. To walk on it was to risk immurement in crevasses cracked open for hundreds of metres down through blue and bluer ice.

Yetit was also a regular friend. At evening, its western side glowed red to signal fine weather.

When spring arrived, people thought the glacier announced it with a different smell. Some imagined its voice, stern and deep, leaving chatter in rough striations on the rocks.


In spells of weather 在这里指的是温暖的天气里,而且作者在描写寒冷以及温暖的天气都很精辟,完全没有重复的词语,而且这一段作者也大量运用对比的手法描写“OK”带给冰岛人民的灾难与喜悦。


To walk on it was to 这里的 to... to... 我们也可以模仿过来用到自己的作文里面。

When spring arrived, people thought the glacier announced it with a different smell. Some imagined its voice, stern and deep, leaving chatter in rough striations on the rocks.


It also held the water that fed local streams and sustained the local population, pouring it out as if from buckets balanced on the yoke of the mountain.

Its water was very cold, very old, and pure. Icelanders might overlook Ok, but those who had drunk its water remembered with pleasure how it tasted, and imagined the little glacier would always go on giving.



In 1890 geologists estimated that Ok covered 1,600 hectares, or 6.2 square miles. (On one map of 1901 it seemed to spread even farther, to 3,800 hectares.)

Gradually and quietly, through the 20th century, it dwindled away.

In 1945, it covered only 500 hectares;

in 1978, 300;

in 2012, about 70.

The next year Oddur Sigursson, a glacier expert at the Meteorological Office, paid his good friend a close visit. What he found was, by then, obvious: the snow on Ok was melting faster than it could be replaced.

The ice had become so thin that he was no longer moving. Mr Sigursson later recorded the death on an official certificate, attributing it to excessive summer heat caused by humans .

在1890年,地质学家估计OK占地1600公顷,也就是6.2平方英里。(在1901年的一张地图上,它似乎扩展得更远,达到3800公顷。)。在整个20世纪,它逐渐悄悄地消失了。1945年,它占地只有500公顷;1978年,300公顷;2012年,大约只有70公顷。在第二年,气象局的冰川专家奥杜尔·西古尔·迪克松(Oddur Sigurísson)对他的好朋友进行了一次近距离的访问。到那时,他的发现是显而易见的:OK上的雪融化的速度快于它可以被替换的速度。冰变得很薄,“他”不再动了。西古尔·迪克松后来在一份官方证书上记录了这起死亡事件,并将其归因于人类造成的夏季过热。

Not many of those humans seemed to notice, in Iceland or elsewhere. Ok had never drawn the tourists and the snowmobilers. So as it shrank yet more, to a patchy snowfield and a crater lake, there was no general outcry. It took Dominic Boyer and Cymene Howe, two anthropologists from Rice University in glacier-free Texas, to raise the alarm with a documentary film, Not Ok, in 2018. That drew writers, politicians and schoolchildren to a memorial gathering on Ok this August for the glistening white-and-blue cloak of ice that was no longer there.

在冰岛或其他地方,似乎没有多少人注意到这一点。“OK”从来没有吸引过游客和雪地摩托。因此,当它缩小得更多时,只剩下一片斑驳的雪地和一个火山口湖,没有遭到太多人的抗议。2018年,德克萨斯州莱斯大学(Rice University)的两位人类学家多米尼克·博耶(Dominic Boyer)和塞梅内·豪(Cymene Howe)以纪录片“不好”(Not OK)敲响了警钟。这吸引了作家、政治家和小学生参加今年8月在OK上举行的纪念集会,因为那里将再也不会有闪闪发光的蓝白相间的冰斗篷。

On their way down the mountain, several mourners broke off pieces of stray ice that clung in garlands to the rocks. They sucked them in the hope of tasting Okjkull for the last time. But it was only the dregs of winter snows, too fast disappearing.






我希望这个仪式不仅对冰岛的我们,而且对世界其他地方都有启发,因为我们在这里看到的只是气候危机的一面,参与葬礼仪式的冰岛总理雅克布斯多蒂说。纪念碑上刻有双语的致未来的一封信,意在提高人们对冰川衰退和气候变化影响的认识。--“在未来的200年里,我们所有的冰川都将走上相似的道路(消亡) 。这个纪念碑是为了承认我们知道正在发生的事情和需要做的事情,只有你知道我们是否做到了。”纪念碑最后的落款是 415 ppm CO2,指的是去年5月在大气中测量到的创新高的二氧化碳水平。仪式过程中,100多人徒步两小时爬上了一座火山,随后,一群孩子在山顶附近曾经是冰川的地方放置了一个纪念碑。世界报纸



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