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What Is a Flexible Employee?什么是灵活用工?

2020-12-04 10:40:01



A flexible employee is one whose working hours differ from the traditional regular-shift, 40-hour workweek, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Flexible employees vary the times that they start and finish work, although they must complete an agreed-upon number of hours during a pay period. Flexible employment can provide employees with a better work-life balance and can help employers improve productivity and employee retention.

根据美国劳工部(U.S.Department of Labor)的数据,灵活用工的工作时间不同于传统的每周40小时的正常轮班制。虽然他们同样必须在一个工资的周期内完成规定的工作量,但是灵活用工的工作时间是可以自由调节的。灵活用工可以为员工提供更好的工作与生活平衡,并有助于雇主提高生产率和员工稳定性。

Personal Circumstances


Flexible employees negotiate an individual agreement with their employer to suit their personal circumstances and the requirements of the job. Some flexible employees start early in the morning and finish early in the afternoon so that they can be at home when their children have finished school. Others may start and finish work at the standard company times on most working days but occasionally vary their hours to be free for a specific activity. Employees who actively support charities can use flexible working to gain free time for their volunteer work.


Job Requirements


Flexible working is an option only if sufficient employees are available to meet the requirements of the job. In retail, for example, there must be enough employees on-site during normal store operating hours to provide the right level of service to customers. In manufacturing, flexible employees may need to arrange their working hours in line with shift patterns so that the company can maintain output levels. In companies where employee availability is an issue, employers may specify core working hours when flexible employees must be available.


Home Working


In some occupations, flexible employees can choose to work at home for some or all of their working period. Home working is suitable for employees who carry out administrative work or telephone tasks, as well as managers and executives who want to work on projects away from the distractions of the office. Employees who work from home use secure network connections to access company data and communicate with colleagues.


Employer Benefits


A report by Regus, a provider of flexible workplaces, found that 85 percent of U.S. companies offer flexible working, although 35 percent offer it only to senior staff. Respondents reported that flexible working offered important benefits to their company. It enabled them to attract employees and retain people who might have left for companies offering flexible working. Half the respondents felt that productivity improved after the introduction of flexible working, while 75 percent felt that it improved employee satisfaction and motivation.





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