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What is a poet作文

2021-03-03 03:50:02

What is a poet作文

[原创]What is a poet

The real poets write not with ink or quill, but with their blood and raw heart. Poets are of a hyper-sensitive kind, predisposed to magnifying nuances into great significance and dwelling on the details negligible in common people's eyes. They experience multiple happiness and pain compared with others, so in a sense, a poet lives simply a larger life.

Poets live not on earth, but somewhere between heaven and hell, maybe even closer to hell, with their eyes longing fervently for a beauty that is being distorted into heinous forms in this world. Their feet are scorched by the fire of hell, always quick to sense injustice and evil. Their hearts ache for both the good and bad, for the inaccessibility of the former and the prevalence of the latter.

Fantasy and reality blend into an indescribable Chimera in a poet's mind, which is like a cauldron that never stops boiling whatever it has received. Denied a perfect world, a poet settle for an imagined place where there is no cunning scheme, deception or corruption, but love, not only between lovers, in its pristine purity.

Poet's time is not calculated by minute and hour, but the surge and ebb of his emotion. For a week or two, he may look like a shadow of a man, carrying a brooding and aloof air wherever he randomly goes.

Then the next day, he seemingly for no reason beams up, becomes talkative and unexpectedly sociable, as if he has hit the jackpot.

The smile of his lover can light his world up, and her sigh is enough to send it back into the ocean of torture.

Mental stability is a quality poets part with since they were born. Internal struggle is a normalcy for poets as they are confused as for what is right and what is wrong, or wallow in excessive narcissism. More often than not, they hang over the cliff and tread next to the line of losing it. But when they overcome the suffering, they will always follow their hearts, which can lead to conflict with grim reality. While a lot of people fall by the wayside giving up their principles for expediency or material gain, poets has a rock solid will to do what he knows to be right. And that's where poets come to assume a fighter identity- he takes on the whole world and fights for his belief through his poems, if not actions.

Of course, sometimes a poet's belief may prove to be false and misled, and he becomes manipulated by the evil without his consciousness. Yet, all great poets are uniformly inspired by love and the pursuit for something high and beautiful may turn out antidote to this hatred-filled world.



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