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2020-12-07 08:30:01




To this lament, I dissented,"Do you know of the water and the moon?The river flows endlessly,day and night, but it seems motionless.The moon waxes and wanes, yet it never grows bigger or smaller. Therefore, seen through the eyes of change, everything in this world changes in an instant shorter than the twinkling of an eye.But when seen through the eyes of stability, everything in this world, including humanity, is eternal. Why then should we be envious of things? Everything in the universe has its owner. I will not take even a tiny bit if it does not belong to me.As to the gentle breeze on the river and the bright moon over the mountains, they are a harmonious sound to our ears if we listen to them, and a pleasing sight to our eyes if we watch them. No one can prevent us from possessing them. Their supply is infinite for our use.They are an inexhaustible treasure given to us by Nature, which I may enjoy with you."


1.lament: n. 挽歌;恸哭;悲痛之情

2.dissent: v. 不同意;对国教(或东正教教义)不遵循

3.motionless:adj. 静止的;不运动的

4.wane: vi. 衰落;变小;亏缺;退潮;消逝n. 衰退;月亏;衰退期;缺损

5.twinkling: n. 瞬间,霎时;闪烁 adj. 闪烁的;闪亮的

6.stability: n. 稳定性;坚定,恒心

7.humanity:n. 人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科

8.eternal: adj. 永恒的;不朽的

9.envious: adj. 羡慕的;嫉妒的

10.harmonious: adj. 和谐的,和睦的;协调的;悦耳的

11.inexhaustible: adj. 用不完的;不知疲倦的





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