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提高英语语法 Avoid Common Mistakes & Find Reliable Resources

2021-01-05 09:20:01





Learn The Difference Between Confusing Words

English has a lot of words that look, sound, and/or are spelled the same, even if they have very different meanings.

These homographs (words that are spelled the same), homophones (words that are pronounced the same), heteronyms (words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently), and homonyms (words that are spelled and pronounced the same) cause a great deal of confusion, and result in common errors. Remembering these common errors will help you avoid frequently made mistakes.

Common mistakes include:

Confusing it’s (a contraction of it is) and its (a possessive pronoun).Mixing up they’re (a contraction of they are), their (a possessive pronoun), and there (an adverb indicating place).

Using you’re (a contraction of you are) and your (a possessive pronoun) incorrectly.

Confusing too (which means in addition), to (a preposition) and two (the cardinal number that comes after one).

Not using then (meaning at that time) and than (used to compare) correctly.

Improperly using lie (meaning to be in a horizontal position) and lay (which means to place something in a horizontal position).

Confusing farther (used with physical distance) and further (used with figurative or metaphorical distance).

Use The Active Voice

In an active construction, the subject is the thing that performs the action; in a passive construction, the subject is acted upon by an outside force.

While there’s nothing wrong with the passive voice, it’s less forceful and can make sentences unclear.

Therefore, you should use the active voice more often, but it’s acceptable to use the passive voice from time to time, especially to emphasize something.

For example, consider how these active and passive sentences place emphasis on different elements of the sentence:

The active “I paid the bill” places the emphasis on what the subject did.

The passive “The bill was paid by me” places the emphasis on who paid the bill.

Use Reflective Pronouns Properly

The reflexive pronouns are myself, yourself, himself/herself/itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves. These pronouns can be used reflexively or intensively.

Reflexive pronouns are only used as the object in a sentence, and only when that object is the same as the subject.

Intensive pronouns are used to add emphasis to a sentence and reinforces that the subject performed the action.

To tell the difference, remember that if the pronoun can be removed from the sentence and it still makes sense, the pronoun is being used intensively.

However, if the pronoun cannot be removed without altering the meaning of the sentence, it’s being used reflexively.

Reflexive: “I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming.”

Intensive: “She individually picked each gift herself.”

Reflexive: “He asked himself how he’d feel in that situation.”

Intensive: “I myself don’t know how I’d react.”


Take A Class or See A Tutor or Teacher

One of the best ways to ensure you understand the basic grammatical elements of a language is by seeking the help of someone who’s qualified to teach you.

Many community colleges offer language courses, or you can ask around at your local high school or college to see if any English students want to make some extra money tutoring you.

Read Style Guides And Grammar Books

Grammar and style guides come in two forms: deive guides that describe how people do speak, and preive guides that tell people how they should speak.

But language changes and evolves, and the rules of English aren’t always set in stone.

There are many style guides that recommend different ways of approaching grammar, and it’s a good idea to read several of them.

This will provide an idea of the different ways to approach spelling (such as American versus British), syntax, and style, give you a better idea of the fundamentals of grammar, and show you where the language is adaptable and where it’s inflexible.

Find Online Resources

Along with the resources available at libraries, the Internet is full of reliable grammar games, lessons, exercises, quizzes, and tips. Many universities will also offer resources about grammar, spelling, syntax, and common errors.

I hope it will be useful to you



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