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2021-05-04 16:56:10


some people think it improper for college students to dance. they say dance distracts students from their atudy. it is time-consuming and also a waste of money. besides, when men and women dance together, an intimate feeling will arise. that is terrible. they may fall in love before marriagable age, which will affect their studies.

i think the above opinion is one-sided and prejudiced. in my opinion, dancing is a good oercise and means of relaation. after a weeks tense work and study, it feels good to sit in the ball room, listening to light music in the soft lamplight. the colorful lamps twinkle and glisten. the sea-like blue light reflected on the blue screen lends a feeling of coming to the sea. the waves of white blue light smoothe your soul and comfort your heart. i feel serene just sitting there listening to the gentle words of a love song, not to speak of dancing.when the music is playing, you either chat or dance or make aquaintances. the more friends you have, the more enlightened and open-minded you are.

it cannot be denied that there are certain villains who want to take advantage of others and abuse dancing. we should not let the rat spoil the soup. just get rid of the rat. that is all. i prefer danceing once or twice a month to be relaed and refreshed for work and study.



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