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2021-07-04 15:50:02


一,教学内容:本课选自沪教版三年级起点牛津英语五年级上册Module4 Unit 11 Water. 本单元围绕自然界风,水,火展开一系列的探讨。本节课主要以对话的形式讲述水的来源以及水的用途。通过学生们之间的讨论引出水的重要性。并进一步进行感情的升华,提倡节约用水,保护水资源。


1,全体学生学会主要单词及短语:tap, vegetable, clothes, put out fires, grow crops.

2,全体学生能朗读课文,并会运用主要句型We use water to ...来表达水的用途。




重点:全体学生会运用主要句型 ...use water to...表达水的用途 难点:了解更多有关水的内容,以及相关的表达。




(一)Warm up热身互动,自然导入

Missing game: wash my hands wash my face clean the floor ….

(二)Lead in

Riddles 谜语

(1) You can’t catch his body. You can’t see his shadow. He can make flowers to dance. He can make windmill to move. What is it?(wind)

(2) Give me food, I will live. Give me water, I will die. I can burn down lots of trees. I can hurt people. What am I?(fire)

(3) It has no taste. It has no smell. It has no colour. It is everywhere around us. Fire is afraid of it. What is it?(water)

T: Wind , Fire, and Water, They are all around us . Today we’ll learn the water. (出示标题Water)



T:Where can you find water?

S1: In the sea.

S2: In the river.

S3: In the rain…..

T:All of you are right. We can also find it in the fountain, pond, well, pump, and so on.(图片)


T:Water is everywhere around us. But where does it come from? S!: It comes from the tap.

S2: It comes from the rain.

S3: It comes from the sea……

T: Yes, you’re right.


T: We use water everyday. I think it is very important and useful.

How do you use water? (板书use)

S1: We use water to wash our hands/ brush our teeth/……

S2; Firemen use water to put out fires .(板书 put out fires)

S3: Farmers use water to grow crops. (板书 grow crops)


T: Others? Cook, worker, painter, and baker……(出示一些学生想不到的用途,引导学生说)

Cooks use water to cook nice food.

Painters use water to paint pictures.

Bakers use water to make bread and cakes.

Children use water to play.

T: Water also bring us lots of fun. ( 图片游泳,傣族泼水….)


Ask and answer

(1) A: How do we use water?

B: We use water to…

(2) A: How do/does_________use water?

B: ________use(s) water to__________

(五)Consolidation 情感升华,拓展练习

(1) 情感教育:节约用水

T’ Water is useful. (板书useful)But play with water is not true..In the

world, water resources are limited and most of water has been polluted.. We should save water. Let’s see. (视频保护水资源)

T:When I see it. I’m sad. Are you sad? So boys and girls, Please save

water. Now can you say how to save water?

S1: We can turn off the tap.

S2: We can keep river clean.

S3: We can use water many times.

(2) 阅读训练:用水日记

T: Great. Please do that. Now let’s see Kitty’s water diary.(课外阅读

Kittty’s water diary)

(3) 写作练习

T:make a poster about water.


T: What have you learned today?

S1: Water is very useful.

S2: We should save water


五, Home work

1, Listen and read page 74.

2,Talk about how you and your family members use water.

3. Finish Workbook pages 62 and 64.



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