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2021-08-07 14:30:04





范例一:Handle emotional stress

Do you remember Tina, my good friend?


She just broke up with her boyfriend.

Well, that happens. I hope she is all right.

But the problem is she and her ex-boyfriend are working in the same department. It is somehow embarrassing for them to see each other everyday.

That is the down side of an office romance. I hope their work is not affected by the emotional stress. The boss must be very annoyed if that will be the case.

Well, Tina says she would be able to handle it and concentrate on her own work, easier set them done. But working harder and concentrating only on the job might well helped to overcome the initial stress of the breakup.

范例二:Pros and cons of office romance

Some companies use to ban dating among employees, but now they have realized it is something in avertable. People spend so much time at work. It is not surprising for one to have a crash on the other.

If we think positively, office love can be beneficial to company.

Beneficial? I don’t think so. If two employees get married, they will leave at the same time for a honeymoon, or later one of them will stay at home taking care of babies. If they break up, the company will probably have to relocate one of them to make the workplace more comfortable. By any means, the company must spare extra efforts to solve problems brought by an office dating.

But if two employees are in love, they will be happy. Happy people are more productive. If they develop an intimate relation with each other, they are willing to share knowledge and experience. It can help to improve work efficiency.

I doubt that.



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